Post Entry Amendments

Post Entry Amendments

  • Reverse PEA information submitted

    Question: Looking for guidance on how to address the reversal of information on a PEA that was submitted and accepted by CBP. It turns out the original entry information was correct and the information provided on the PEA is not correct. Do we need to go back and change the PEAs that were submitted in […]

  • Post Entry and Ace

    Question:At the Trade Symposium, I became excited by the fact that in the nearfuture, post entry corrections could be sent through ACE and moreimportantly, post entry details could be obtained through ACE reporting.  But I find that our large broker does not currently file entries throughACE.  Is this common among the brokerage industry-especially the largerfirms? […]


    Question:We have recently received a favorable protest decision on some products we imported resulting in substantial duty recovery. We have been continuously importing under one HTS and updated it to the HTS once we received the protest approval. We were going to stage the remaining entries for protest based after liquidation and within the 180 […]


    uestion: I have a set of guidelines (see below) for submitting PEAs to CBP butdon’t know where I got them from so I am not sure if these are a specificcompanies guidelines or CBPs guidelines. Can the ICPA membership direct me to where I can find the PEAGuidelines? Or, can you attache the specific directive […]


    Question: I believe that a classification used regularly over the past 5 years isincorrect and the correct one would change the duty rate from 3.4% to 0. Given how subjective classification decisions are it could be argued that aclassification with a 3.1% or 6% duty rate might apply. We feel we canstrongly support the one […]


    Question: We have some Italian suppliers who claim that they cannot revise an invoice in the event of a mis-shipment. They are willing to issue a credit for an overage, but will not take product back or amend the original invoice to account for the overage or shortage. This creates issues with amending the entry […]


    Question:When dealing with PEA’s for receipt quantity overages, I’m wondering whether or not the members obtain revised invoices from their vendors to show the actual amount received.   Is a revised invoice necessary for the PEA, or can the IOR provide a memo as to the additional quantity received to tender the additional duties?    We typically […]

  • PEA

    Question: I have several Post Entry Amendments (PEA) where the difference in duty isless than $20.00. The liquidation dates are before the current quarterlyreporting is due, but were not caught in time to put on our first quarterreport. I had several of these kind that were submitted as single PEAswithout payment more than 20 days […]

  • Use of Quarterly PEA for Valuation Adjustments

    Question: Just wondering if any of the membership can point me in the right directionof the regs or other source regarding the use of the quarterly PEA process.I did not know the quarterly PEA could be used to correct the valuation ofall or many of your entries during the quarter. I thought you would need […]

  • Handle incorrect COO/COE on 7501

    Question:I am having a discussion with one of my brokers relating ot Country of Origin and Country of Export as listed on the 7501. I took a report out of ACE and ran some data comparisons looking for problems.   The 9802’s were minimal, but there.  They are slated to be fixed and the filing […]


    Question:Have just realized several shipments do not qualify for AGOA because they failed to meet the 35% regional cost value.  It will take me several weeks to go through these files and get the entries corrected. Do I notify customs that I am aware of the problem and am fixing it or do I just […]


    Question: I am quite sure I read a similar question recently but have reviewed thelibrary and cannot find it. So let me apologize for the repeat. In auditing our import files we find the entered value may not 100% ofthe time match what accounts payable actually paid the vendor. Thistypically happens when purchasing has not […]