Export Licensing

Questions and answers about Export Licensing

  • Best practice for lodging licenses

    Question: Does anyone have a best practice for lodging licenses? Do you lodge the licenses at the port of exit? If so, how do you transmit the license to customs and get a return signed acknowledgement? Or do you use carriers to lodge the license? ==========

  • Goods disassembled abroad and license requirement

    Question: This question is posed for goods disassembled abroad where no export license would have been required under the DOC/BIS “roll-up” rule. At what point might a license be required when one of the constituent parts, that does require a license, gets harvested upon disassembly? Would a license be required to (re)import that part at […]

  • Best practice for lodging licenses

    Question: Does anyone have a best practice for lodging licenses? Do you lodge the licenses at the port of exit? If so, how do you transmit the license to customs and get a return signed acknowledgement? Or do you use carriers to lodge the license? ***********


    Question:We have a licensable valve that will be export to a shipyard in Asia to be installed in a module that will then be assembled on a ship for deep water oil recovery.  We do not have any control of the facility at this shipyard. The company that will take possession of the export is […]

  • DSP-5 Licenses

    Question:   I am confused about who is allowed to actually export against a DSP-5 license.  Is it only the applicant?  Or is it anyone listed…the applicant (block 5), seller (block 19), source (block 17), US Consignor (block 21)???  Are all of these parties allowed to export (and act as USPPI for EEI)?  Why would […]


    I would like to get some feed-back from members that have Deemed ExportLicensed individuals in their facilities.I am wanting to draft a memo to employees in the same location,reporting structure, associates, etc.. –  that may have daily contact with thelicensed individual, notifying these employees that no “technicalinformation, drawings, designs, etc.. Can be shared with the […]

  • License under Routed Export Agreement

    Question:How many people are seeing customers balk at assuming the responsibility for obtaining a license under a routed export transaction agreement?  I had my first customer tell me that they refused to assume licensing responsibility; which, although the FTR gives them that choice, it presents an unacceptable risk for the USPPI to have to get […]


    Question:Some nice, easy questions for the exporters – what is the cost of an export license and, if the on-line filing tool is used, how long does it take to receive the license?     


    Is forwarding the administrative cost to apply for a license to the customer a good business practice and common in the industry? If so, how do you include that value when applying for the export license in order to declare it the time of export on the EEI as part of the value payable?


    We normally don’t send piece parts to our manufacturer in China. BUT, today we are sending some programable IC’s which i know fall into 8542 area. No problem there. These will be put into some sample products and shipped back here to the US for testing.Do these things need a license?? I’m not an export […]

  • Export Licensing Q&A 1

    I am new to my company and when asked who determines export licenses I was told, “a what?”. Though a quick look tells me most of the product are NLR, there are a few questionable ones, such as, 10VA transformers for door chimes. Would these need a license? If so, is there a Applying for […]

  • Export Licensing Q&A 2

    Can anyone in the membership provide a sample of a Technology Control Plan (TCP) they have submitted to BIS in order to support a deemed export license? The TCP is usually listed as one of the conditions that must be satisfied when the deemed export license is issued to the applicant company. I am familiar […]