CF28 – CF29

Questions and answers about CF28/CF29


    QUESTION: On the CF28, box 16 & 16a, the document is requiring signature from a “corporate company official”.  In the past CF28’s have signed by the corporate customs director for related parties, relying on a POA from each of the related parties, but this is now understood to be in error.  So the question is […]

  • CF-28 AND PEA

    Question: I received a CF-28 for an entry that we filed a PEA on due to broker error.   Should I bring this up in my response? ========== Answers: I would really like to know more about what transpired and when.  For instance, did the PEA trigger the CF-28?  Was the CF-28 sent before the […]


    Question: I am in receipt of a CF-28 addressed to the Canadian Producer of a material for which we claimed NAFTA.   It is requesting information for the verification of their certificate of origin.   I audit each NAFTA we forward to our Broker and there is nothing about the NAFTA that raises a question […]

  • CBP 28 AND 29

      We have an article that we import that gets flagged for possible ADD/CVD all the time, so we regularly get CF28’s for the importations of this item. We have never had any issues… however, on our most recent inquiry, the particular import specialist did a much more thorough review and while they did determine […]


      Question: CBP sent a request through our broker for samples on entry without issuing a formal CF28, but gave us the option of having them issue the CF28 if we preferred. Is there any benefit/risk either way here? I’m inclined to just send them the samples and hopefully be done with it but if […]

  • CF28

      Question: Starting in early September and continuing through October, I’ve received several CF28s form the same Customs port with phrases like “compliance measurement” and “trade compliance measurement” on them. I don’t recall seeing CF28s with that phrase previously. I don’t see a pattern in the HTS CBP is choosing to review. Why now? What […]


    Question: There is believed to be pending in the CIT a case addressing whether a CBP Form 29 is the equivalent of notice of an investigation. Checking on membership awareness of this case or any other communication from customs speaking to a CF29 serving as a notice of investigation. Thanks,


    Question:Does the membership have any corporate policy verbiage they can share about how employees should respond to verbal or written requests from any “customs” office in any country?   Can you also provide ideas on how to get this information to all company employees, even the ones who have nothing to do with import or export […]


    Question:have to say I have not received a CF-28 or CF-29 from Customs in over 7 years.  So things have been going quite well. But today I received an unusual CF-28 stating: CBP is collecting information on Transaction Value to support annual reporting requirements to Congress.  Please answer the following question with a Yes or […]

  • CF28 – CF29 Q&A 1

    Has anyone ran in to a situation with U.S. Customs where they have had a CF29 on a Mexican vendor where the samples were mixed up in their lab and information was not correct? We can’t seem to get them to move forward or let us know what to do next on the entry. U.S. […]

  • CF28 – CF29 Q&A 2

    How many importers are receiving CF28’s with supply chain security questions? How are they answering these? Are companies adding statements or instructions in regards to supply chain security to their LC’s, purchase orders or commercial invoices?

  • CF28 – CF29 Q&A 3

    How many importers are receiving CF28’s with supply chain security questions? How are they answering these? Are companies adding statements or instructions in regards to supply chain security to their LC’s, purchase orders or commercial invoices?