
Questions and answers about Brazil

  • Brazil Import

    Could the membership advise if they are experiencing a long process ofcustoms procedures for importation into Brazil on food related goods.  The carriers do offer free time, for example regular equipment is 10 to 20, however reefer is around 2 days. I have always heard of customs being very strict, but how does one bettermanage […]

  • Brazil Q&A 1

    A customer of ours in Brazil is asking that we report net weight instead of gross weight on the shipping documents for both skids and individual pieces. Is this a standard request for shipments to Brazil?

  • Brazil Q&A 2

    Has anyone heard more about the possible strike in Brazil ? Any changes to the information below that we have received? We hard that the Department of Treasure fiscal agents are planning a strike to begin on the 18th, after several months of negotiating with the government for better salaries Link . The customs officials […]

  • Brazil Q&A 3

    We have just encountered a situation where our standard shipping method for customers is incoterms DDP. We have been advised that Brazilian Customs does not allow shipments to be entered under DDP. Can someone confirm that this is actually the case and how to others handle that if they normally use DDP? We are considering […]

  • Brazil Q&A 5

    I’ve read a great deal about the Brazilian Customs strike, but I was curious to see what types of delays the membership is experiencing (I’ve heard an average of about 10 days) and what, if any steps have they taken to combat the delays?