• USMCA Qualification Methods

    Question: When doing the evaluation for USMCA does any one method take precedence over the others?  For instance, we were recently told by a reliable party that if there is a specific tariff shift rule for the HTS in question, we must use the tariff shift method.  If the item doesn’t qualify under tariff shift […]

  • USMCA vs. USA origin

    Question: I am preparing a SOP for return goods process. What is the regulatory citing that a USMCA claim cannot apply to USA origin goods? Answer 1: Claiming USMCA for returned U.S. goods is not necessary.  The shipment can be claimed under 9801.10.  The last four digits are broken down according to the reason of […]

  • USMCA Declared w/o USMCA Certificates

    Question: New at the company Jan 2024. The company is a rather large importer and has no ACE account. No GTC in place, so filed for ITRAC.  ITRAC showed USMCA claims made via SPI of “S”. I asked the broker and logistics department for copies of the USMCA, but there are none. I told the […]

  • USMCA Importer Verification Process

    Question: What is the verification process for a USMCA certified/signed by the producer?   As the USA importer I am not related to the Mexico producer.  Say the Mexican producer makes a soft drink and I am supposed to ask for the Bill of Material?  Or, is the USMCA certified/signed by the producer good enough. Thank […]

  • USMCA Blanket

    Question: Have a question of USMCA.   Let’s say as of Jan 2024 I have not claimed USMCA status for I did not have a USMCA.   On May 1st I receive a signed 2024 USMCA blanket Jan to Dec (signed May 1st).   So can I claim a refund for Jan, Feb and April?  To me, that […]

  • USMCA – automotive

    Question: I have seen conflicting answers for this question in the Q&A so hoping to clarify/confirm the following: If I have an OEM automotive good (under 8708) that is on the Principal Parts list, and the specific Rule of Origin allows 2 ways to qualify (either tariff shift or RVC), can I qualify the good on […]

  • 19 CFR 134, 102 and USMCA, HTS, origin and marking

    Question: The product is a composite good built from two sub-assemblies, origin of Taiwan for one and the other origin is India.    These two sub-assemblies are then assembled together in China or Mexico to create the final imported product.  This composite good is then imported into the US.   Regardless of where the final product […]

  • USMCA for Mexico Importer

    Question: Hello Members: If the imported articles are free of duty when imported into Mexico, what benefit does the USMCA serve?  The importer is not saving duty, but have a Mexican importer who requires a USMCA.  With or without a USMCA duty free products would be required to pay the Mexican VAT. So what benefit […]

  • USMCA Certificate timeframe

    Question: We are in the automotive industry and used to solicit FTA certificates from suppliers per calendar year. With USMCA’s implementation, we switched to 7/1 – 6/30 timeframe. Now that we know more about the rules of origin, we are finding that it may not be necessary to keep that timeframe and we could go […]

  • Filing 1520(d) Claims for USMCA

    Question: I am an importer and recently obtained USMCA status for items we have been importing over the years.  To get the paid duty back, is there a way to file a 1520(d) claim in the ACE portal or does it need to be filed in a customs broker’s entry system?  I’m looking to see […]

  • USMCA (Canada Tax & Mexico Tax for duty free goods)

    Question: I am the producer and manufacturer of medical devices. Therefore, I provide a USMCA certificate for importers into Canada and Mexico who wish to claim USMCA status. Our medical devices’ HTS for Canada and Mexico are duty-free. However, for Canada, the USMCA does not eliminate the tax (GSP). What, then, is the benefit of […]

  • USMCA Best Practices

    Question: I’m looking for guidance on “best practices” regarding USMCA.  We are a retailer reselling to our stores in Mexico. Would you issue a new USMCA as the “exporter” that combines all the producer certificates or just use each producers’ certificate?  Is there more or less liability in either case? USMCA says we should be […]