Training / Compliance / Education

Training / Compliance / Education

  • Continuing Education

    Question: Hi, Inquiring how are courses available for CE?  I have my LCB and not sure how to earn the credits required I understand ICPA is a selected accreditor. Please advise. Thank you Asked by: IBETH REYES – Answer 1: Hello this is Lisa Gelsomino on behalf of ICPA’s Continuing Education (CE) Team.  You […]

  • training for new logistics personnel

    Question: We have a person who moved positions within the company to a logistics role.  This person does not have a lot of experience in logistics.  They are interested in some basic / 101 logistics training.  Can anyone recommend some good entry level logistics training courses? Answer 1: 1st what position did this person previously […]

  • Continuing Education Accreditation

    Question: We are a licensed broker and as part of our compliance guidelines, we have a monthly training. Topics include: Incoterms Classification Country of Origin Forced Labor USMCA Exports OGA’s Fish & Wildlife FDA Related Parties Proper Deductions Etc. A certificate is issued after each training, and a roster of attendees is kept on file. […]

  • Executive Leadership Training

    Question: Hello everyone. Quick question – I recently started a new position with a new company as the Trade Compliance Manager.  I’ve developed and given compliance training for several years in a few different companies, so I am familiar with what I need to do.   My question is with a new company and Executive Leadership […]

  • FARs

    Question: For members who work with FARs and DFARs, could you please provide recommendations on training, for someone new to the regulations? Answer 1: Good morning.  I would be pleased to discuss training opportunities with you.  Are there particular sections in the FAR, DFARS or other agency supplements that you would like for me to […]

  • Training – Fines and Penalties Slide

    Question: We are developing internal trade compliance training presentation.  99% complete.  1 slide to go and that will be about fines and penalties for non compliance with US export and import laws. Of course, I will reference the normal fines and penalties for valuation, classification or origin issues but I’d also like to make sure […]

  • Stratospheric Flight & Aerospace

    Question: I will soon be starting at a company that works in the Stratospheric Flight & Aerospace arena. I have many years of compliance experience but never in this realm.  Can anyone recommend where to start? Any good groups to be a part of? Resources available I should be aware of?  Any import/export manual templates […]

  • Teaching Employees about trade compliance

    Question: Hello members, I notice that many employees do not understand customs and why it is important to be compliant. I would like to create a short employee on boarding educational program describing why customs compliance is important, even if the employee job descriptions has nothing to do with customs . I feel it is […]

  • Monitoring Trade

    Question: How do Trade Compliance and Customs Managers stay up to date with the most recent trade news? Any helpful webinars, conferences, newsletters, websites, etc? Answer 1: We get daily updates directly from CBP.  You can sign up here:  CSMS # 56476066 – ACE Production Standard Invasive Maintenance from 10:00 p.m. ET Saturday June 3, […]

  • Embargo & Sanctions Power Point

    Question: Wondering if anyone in the group would be willing to share any Presentations, they may have created and used for training for different levels of employees within their organization? Lower level – basic but informational – “Don’t sell to these Countries” “Key Points do’s & don’ts” What is an Export” things as such Mid-level […]

  • Trade Compliance Resources in French

    Question: I am a non-native French speaker and I need to communicate with a customs manager in France that does not speak English. Does anyone have any trade compliance resources in French that you would recommend or could provide? I am not looking for the regulations, I’m trying to find resources that would help me […]

  • Latin America Compliance

    Question: Hello, I am looking for good resources or programs/courses on Latin America compliance (as a guide for an exporter in the US). Do you have any recommendations?  Thanks in advance for your feedback. Answer 1: To start, I would reach out to your local US Dept of Commerce Export support office.  They can give […]