Questions and answers about INCOTERMS

  • Incoterms and State Tax

    Question: Today I spoke with the sales tax experts regarding the proposed delivery of petrochemicals manufactured in Colombia by a Colombian entity to customers in the US, it will be delivered DAP.  They did comment that depending on the state where the delivery occurred could potentially expose the Colombian company to an obligation to register […]

  • DDP Import report(s)

    Question: We have a good visibility of our imports (over one hundred EINs) through ACE and our brokers but now wonder how and where we can get reports on imports that have been entered under the DDP Incoterms. ACE? Answer 1: I’m not sure i understand the question – if you are in the USA […]

  • Incoterms rules versus government regulations

    Question: Have any members encountered regulatory issues with the use of a particular Incoterm rule with a particular country? For instance, Brazilian import regulations preclude the use of DDP for import clearance.  Details on country(ies) and rule(s) appreciated. Answer 1: Some years back (2008?) China wouldn’t allow us as a non-resident to act as importer and […]

  • different incoterms indicated on BOL and CIV

    Question: Hi ICPA, We had a product that went bad…  shows incoterm CIF on the BOL, but CFR on the CIV. The product went bad somewhere, Which Incoterm should take precedence, what’s on the BOL or the CIV? The insurance company is pushing for CFR, of course. Answer 1: A B/L is not sufficient to confirm terms […]

  • Question about EXW with no named place

    Question: Searched for an answer to this question but cannot find an answer, so hoping our Incoterm experts can help. We have an export shipment that specifies EXW but does not specify a named place. Yes, a named place should have been specified but it was not. In this situation, when/where do the responsibilities transfer […]

  • Demurrage charges

    Question: We got an import under DAP My plant. We cleared customs and even though we cleared customs, customs decided to do inspection after clearance. This created extra carrier charger and demurrage. The shipper doesn’t want to pay for charges because states this is due to customs inspection. Per incoterms under DAP, we cleared customs, […]

  • EXW Invoicing Upon Batch Release

    Question: We have a partner manufacturer in the UK that wants to invoice us under EXW terms upon batch completion (we operate in the pharmaceutical sphere) – is this legitimate?  We were under the impression that invoicing occurs during the goods-issue process when product is departing the origin WH.  There could easily be 2 weeks […]

  • Incoterms with variants

    Question: We are a chemical importer and a distributor in the U.S.   There is a customer who would like to use EXW from Japan; They pay for the freight from the origin to the final destination and clear customs.   However, in this particular case, due to a certain restriction we have with EPA TSCA regulations, […]

  • Who is Responsible for Cross-Border Fees – DAP Las Colinas, Mexico

    Question: I have a question regarding the payment of cross border fees on DAP Incoterms.  I would like to know which party, the Buyer or Seller, is responsible for covering these fees? According to the agreed upon terms, the Seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the designated place. However, they are not obligated […]

  • Definition of Customs Clearance

    Question: Is there a specific definition for “customs clearance”. In addition to the process of making entry and clearing goods, paying brokerage fees, does customs clearance include the payment of any duties and taxes and fulfilling OGA regulatory requirements? We have an exporter that is pushing back on our request that they cover the cost […]

  • Incoterm DPU and bonded warehouse

    Question: We will be sending product to a bonded warehouse in Japan.  We have a sales broker we are working with who will be acting on our behalf and performing all warehousing duties (unloading, etc).  The sales broker will also be handling customs clearance and delivery to the end user. My company will own the […]

  • incoterms for rail shipments to Mexico under rule 11

    Question: I want to clarify which is the most appropriate Incoterm and better system set up for shipments to Mexico that are shipped via rail under rule 11 (when rail bills US shipper for US portion of the freight and Mexican receiver for freight within Mexico). Per our T&C title transfers according to risk transfer […]