• Import of used Branded auto parts.

    Question: Hello Team, Can someone please help to understand regulations regarding import process for used and new car parts. Some parts have Brand names. Do I understand correctly that the importer must have a letter from the Brand owner or the importer must be Certified Car part importer? Please help to understand the import requirements. […]

  • HTS Code for waste management

    Question: Hi members, Can anyone advise me on the HS code for waste management of refractory bricks? I wonder if it is necessary to use the same position as the 6815. Thank you, Answer 1: While several chapters have specific provisions for waste products, a waste provision does not exist in Chapter 68.  Therefore, per […]


    Question: A twisted polyester cord with die cut felt pieces sewn onto the cord; would one classify under 5808 ?   I use to place these under 6307 as a made up article but now am questioning myself.   Guidance is appreciated. Thank you Answer 1: From your description and the image you provided. This would […]

  • Census 27C Flags for Pharma

    Question: How do CBP 27C Census flags work for finished pharma products? It seems we are seeing a tremendous increase in flags for all HTS codes under 3004 Heading. Thanks! Answer 1: Even though these come from CBP, the Bureau of Census is the one who sets the parameter flags on the HTS numbers that […]

  • China HS Code

    Question: We are planning to export from the US into China Clostridium cell cultures. Two related questions:  Where can I find China’s HTS codes in English?  Wanting to confirm 3002.49.3090 as the China HTS code for imported Clostridium.  Thanks Answer 1: You can visit China’s MOFCOM and/or GACC website for free. Aside from these, a […]

  • HTS conversion

    Question: Looking for options for companies that provide software to convert US HTS to the Canada HTS.  We are working on being an IOR in Canada and need to convert our current US HTS database. Answer 1: Recommend that if you havent already, review your HTS headings and subheadings that your products fall under and […]

  • Chinese HTS of fittings for hoses-guidance requested

    Question: Hello community, I manage a global classification team for my company. Recently, we have begun assigning HTS codes for China, and have run into disagreement with the China team and broker regarding the classification for steel fittings specifically for hydraulic hoses. The hoses are predominately rubber, but are reinforced with textiles. Our position is […]

  • 2023 EU or France HTS Commodity Codes/Numbers

    Question: Hello Members: I am able to download the entire US HTS 2023 via USITC.Gov. Is there a way to do the same for say France or EU 2023 HTS?  I need to download the entire schedule, could someone please provide a link?  Thank you. Answer 1: Taric (EU Tariff Schedule) link:   […]

  • Global HTS

    Question: Hello Members: I am 3 months new to the company and find that this company had once a GTC dept/support from the parent company.  However, after 2 mergers, this business unit has not had a GTC department for say 12 years.   I have a global HTS issue.  I am familiar with HTS US classification […]

  • Production Line Move

    Question: We are moving our entire production line from the US to Mexico. is there an HS Code that we can use to move the entire line, rather than listing piece by piece? The line will be disassembled prior to export, placed on trucks and then reassembled upon arrival at the plant in MX Answer […]

  • Brazilian Customs HS Code

    Question: Does anyone have a link to Brazilian HS Codes?  Looking for Heading 3824 Answer 1:    Aglutinantes preparados para moldes ou para núcleos de fundição; produtos químicos e preparações das indústrias químicas ou das indústrias conexas (incluindo os constituídos por misturas de produtos naturais), não especificados nem compreendidos noutras posições. Answer 2: Their […]

  • HS Code Set Ups

    Question: Curious to know how others manage setting up HTS codes in their internal systems. I’m getting push back from my material master team, as they don’t want to add trade compliance into the already lengthy set up process.  They prefer me to provide a list with instructions that the person starting the material set […]