Questions and answers about GSP


    QUESTION: I have found product can be country of origin GSP country (IE: Thailand) in fact the imported raw material is melted and diecast (one transformation). The “labor only” for the melting of raw material, diecasting, buffing shapes and applying finish coating, and then putting into packaging (packaging material is imported to GSP country) to […]


    QUESTION: What documents do members require of their vendors to support GSP claims? It seems the document files are huge, particularly with over 1,200 SKUs. Should a “Form A’ still be requested, even though Customs requires much more detail? =========== Answer: We require a costed bom with country of origin showing how the item meets […]

  • GSP direct labor costs on only the GSP qualified “material” or ?

    QUESTION: I want to have someone in the membership identify if the labor mentioned here is on the material that is deemed originating in the GSP country (IE:  underwent double transformation) or if ONLY LABOR of (non-originating) imported material can indeed qualify for 35% or more applicable to GSP. Note the wording and commas can […]

  • TD 76-100 GSP

    QUESTION: Says the following: Treasury Decision (“T.D.”) 76-100, dated March 30, 1976, states that “the 35 percent criterion can be satisfied entirely by the cost or value of materials produced in the beneficiary developing country, the direct costs of processing operations, or any combination of the two.” If only the direct costs of processing operations […]

  • Labor only making GSP eligible

    QUESTION: Anyone have CROSS or CIT rulings /cases where “labor only” purely qualified a product for GSP treatment?  I see mostly explanations of some imported material undergoing double substantial transformation and the adding that to the equation.  I cannot find “clear” zero material + qualifying GSP labor; IE:    0 material + 35% labor =  GSP […]

  • GSP Direct Cost of Processing

    QUESTION: If the material components of an article made in  a GSP country do not undergo the double substantial transformation for their value to be included in the 35% value content requirement but the direct cost of processing operations meets or exceeds the 35% value content requirement, can you still claim GSP? Based on the […]


    QUESTION: For the purpose of verifying the item qualify for GSP, if a portion of the material is from non-eligible country but goes through a tariff shift from the material HTS to the final goods HTS, does that qualify the non-eligible country material as eligible cost?And if so, do we still need to list all […]


    QUESTION: We filed 15 entries under the GSP program during Jan 2018 – Apr 2018. We received the refunds by check from CBP at the beginning of Aug. we received only 12 checks and missing 3 entries and did not get the refunds. We would like to know who and where that we can ask […]


    QUESTION: If there is a product eligible for GSP and a fraction of costs for material comes from non-GSP country, should the transportation cost from the non-GSP country into the GSP country be listed as a component for GSP calculation? And if so, how do we determine if the transportation cost should be eligible or […]


    QUESTION: We would like to know whether the Travel Goods that made in India will qualify duty free under the GSP program. We found this note from the internet and we would like to know if this is true and whether it is already implemented right now. We would like your professional advice and guiding […]


    QUESTION: Has anyone received “automatic” GSP refunds yet? ========== Answers: Yes, CBP has begun processing refunds. ========== Not that I’ve seen! ========== No and we have a lot coming back. ========== Yes for the past two months. And today is June 27.  You may want to review your ACE reports to make sure they were […]


    QUESTION: The GSP is renewed. Our company has still claimed GSP preference since its expiration. How do we receive our refund? ================= ANSWERS: Normally once CBP is advised thy automatically issue refunds for any entry that was indicated as GSP. Most brokers know to do that. Good idea to run a report in ACE and […]