Classification: Import

Questions and answers about Classification: Import

  • Pharmaceutical Insert Paper

    Question: I would like the network’s opinion on how I should classify pharmaceutical insert paper? The stock is 40# PharmBrite White Offset and dims when laying flat are 13.34″ x 7.5″. Answer 1: Without knowing a lot due to scant details, I would say 4901.10.00

  • UoM for tariff code does not make sense

    Question: We have a material that is classified in 3823700299 (MX), and the UOM for this tariff number for MX is liters, however, our particular material is actually a solid, sold in pellets.   Our trade compliance software does not allow for transfer of the tariff number from the trade compliance software to the ERP unless […]

  • Classification of chemical mixtures with deliberate trace additives

    Question: Multiple related queries regarding chemical mixtures A-gases for calibration/testing of analytical/safety equipment.  Gases with a predominant component but with trace but deliberate and specific amounts of other gases added for calibration/testing of analytical/safety equipment (explosive gas detectors, etc.).   Since the additives, while at trace or impurity levels, are deliberate and essential to the intended […]

  • Tariff Classification of Gas Calibration Standards

    Question: Is anyone aware of any rulings or guidance from any customs authorities regarding classification of gases used as calibration/testing standards?  The gases in question are overwhelmingly one gas (say Nitrogen), with trace (i.e. say 10 ppm) amounts of other gases (say ethylene).  The trace amounts are not impurities, rather they are deliberately included so […]

  • Question: My company has several products that are are +98% a single chemical (which is specifically identified in chapter 28), and <1% of another chemical (which by itself would be classified in chapter 29), which is a deliberate part of the final material, as it provides certain performance characteristics in the application the final material […]

  • Gas calibration standards

    Question: Does anyone have any experience assigning tariff classifications for gas mixtures that are nearly pure, but have trace amounts (ie in the PPM range) of other gases mixed in (deliberately, not as impurities), to be used for purposes.   I am reluctant to classify these as the pure gas, because the addition of the PPM […]

  • Classification of Motors: Rated output or Maximum output?

    Question: When classifying motors, it seems that the generally accepted method of calculating the output can go by rated output or by maximum output as long as your methodology is consistent across your product base.  What is the preferred method of calculation, and why? My assumption is rated output since that is the output a […]

  • Using AI to determine HTS classification

    Question: It has been over a year since this question has been asked. With rapidly evolving technology, it is timely to ask again.  What do you think about the use of Artificial Intelligence platforms being sold by GTM/Consulting Companies for HTS classification? Are you using one? Is it reliable? Strengths/weaknesses? Pros/cons? Pitfalls? Answer 1: My […]

  • Water samples for chemical analysis

    Question: Does anyone know what the WCO tariff classification (i.e. HS code) would be for water samples (from a chemical process) being imported for purposes of chemical analysis?  I cannot seem to find anything to provide any guidance on this subject. Answer 1: Take a look at heading 2201.  EN 22.01(A) says that this heading […]

  • Parts of Machinery vs Parts of Material

    Question: I am looking to see if any of the membership has any tips, suggested rulings, etc. for where they draw the line between classify a part as a part of the machine rather than a part of its base material.   We import aluminum, steel & plastic parts for instruments in Chapter 84 & 90.  […]

  • Requiring HTS Codes from Suppliers

    Question: We are a US-based company that receives imports from Canada and the UK. Our suppliers provide HTS codes on their commercial invoices, but they are either Canadian or EU codes. Our customs broker has requested that we require our suppliers to provide US HTS codes for imports. However, we are facing pushback from our […]