Classification: Import

Questions and answers about Classification: Import

  • HS Code of used resi

    Question: We are importing resin from a chromatography column with traces of a drug product in it.  I am leaning toward classifying this under 3824.99.9397 as a mixture “Prepared binders for foundry molds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere […]

  • Classification under 7318.15.20XX

    Question: For an eyebolt (diameter 6mm or more): Must it be imported with its washers or nuts in the same shipment to be classified under 7318.15.20XX, or could it be imported without its nuts or washers in the same shipment? If not, would it be classified under 7318.15.80(82/85)? Answer 1: The answer lies in the description […]

  • Classification for RMAs from Customers

    Question: Hello, I am reviewing our internal processes for customer RMA. When exported to customer’s destination country, product is withdrawn into U.S. commerce, duty paid. To avoid paying double duty for the return, can you please advise the HTS that supports the transactions? Answer 1: Hts # 9801.00.2500, must meet these 4 requirements below, you […]

  • Classification of Product

    Question: Hello. I am in need of guidance. Preface – we will not completely classify a manufacturer’s product, however, we will validate and/or complete the USHTS classification as we are the IOR. We are receiving a new product: PN: Screen Printer Paper Description: Stencil Paper End product app: SMT production Core Material: Non-Woven Fabric First, […]

  • Best way to change an HTS number believed to be incorrect

    Question: We have been using an HTS number for over 25 years for one of our products.   In 2009 CBP issued a CF28 and had a sample sent to the lab.  They confirmed a lab analysis was done and liquidated the entry as originally submitted accepting the HTS number on the entry.   Our EU location […]

  • What level of duty impact before filing a PSC?

    Question: Each month we do a reclassification review.  Based on the reclassification change there could be a duty impact resulting in a duty refund from Customs or an instance that we owe duty.  What duty impact threshold do you all use to determine whether to submit a PSC? Answer 1: In our company, the policy […]

  • Periodic reviews of HTS classification

    Question: To help ensure HTS/HS accuracy of all products maintained in an IOR’s parts database, should the int’l trade compliance team execute monthly reviews, an annual review, or both?  If both, how would the 2 be differentiated? Answer 1: A couple things.  First, you should monitor any changes implemented by the ITC.  The ITC issued […]

  • Classification difference between

    Question: Canadian D-Memo D10-15-30 has a definition of “for domestic purposes as the following:  For purposes of this memorandum, the term “for domestic purposes” as it appears in headings 94.01 and 94.03 means goods primarily intended for use in a domestic setting, i.e. in and around the home (e.g., a single family house, an apartment, […]

  • Pharmaceutical Insert Paper

    Question: I would like the network’s opinion on how I should classify pharmaceutical insert paper? The stock is 40# PharmBrite White Offset and dims when laying flat are 13.34″ x 7.5″. Answer 1: Without knowing a lot due to scant details, I would say 4901.10.00

  • UoM for tariff code does not make sense

    Question: We have a material that is classified in 3823700299 (MX), and the UOM for this tariff number for MX is liters, however, our particular material is actually a solid, sold in pellets.   Our trade compliance software does not allow for transfer of the tariff number from the trade compliance software to the ERP unless […]

  • Classification of chemical mixtures with deliberate trace additives

    Question: Multiple related queries regarding chemical mixtures A-gases for calibration/testing of analytical/safety equipment.  Gases with a predominant component but with trace but deliberate and specific amounts of other gases added for calibration/testing of analytical/safety equipment (explosive gas detectors, etc.).   Since the additives, while at trace or impurity levels, are deliberate and essential to the intended […]