
Questions and answers about Canada

  • CARM – SOA and paying duties

    Question: How can I get an SOA report that shows the filer and each transaction number, along with the fees due?  The SOA lumps the amount due by import date…I really need that listed out.  We have 3 different business units who use 2 different filers so I need to be able to easily differentiate […]

  • CBSA – CARM -Missing Statement of Accounts

    Question: Hi, Just wondering if any other companies had an issue with CARM and missing Statement of Accounts (SOAs). We receive the notification, told what we owe but the SOA’s for Nov and Dec 2024 are missing. Our broker can see them but we, as the IOR, cannot. I have reached out to the support […]

  • Canadian Customs Self Assessment Program

    Question: I’m looking for more information on the Canadian Customs Self-Assessment Program as an importer.  I found some information on the CBSA site, but the details are limited. I would like to develop a deeper understanding of how the transactions work. Can anyone point me to resources or provide guidance on this topic? Answer 1: […]

  • Canadian Company doing business in U.S.

    Question: There is a potential customer in Canada who wants our U.S. Company to send their orders to a third-party logistics company in the U.S. to distribute to their other customers in the U.S.  I’m not really sure what questions to ask them to ensure this is all legal.  They do not have any state […]

  • Empty Totes being returned to the US from Canada

    Question: We ship totes filled with product from the US to our customer in Canada.  These tote bins are reusable and are typically returned to our manufacturing site when the customers trucker arrives for the next pick up of products. Currently the customer uses their customs broker to clear the tote bins at the border. […]

  • Machine parts transported by the machine into Canada

    Question: Our US business has machines that inspect, improve and repair railroad tracks in Canada.  The machines carry extra parts like grinding stones and other parts that will wear out during the time the machine is performing services in Canada.   What would be the best or proper way to declare these parts as only some […]

  • CARM

    Question: How have other IORs and NRIs into Canada arranged for payments through CARM?   Will your Customs broker continue to make payments on your behalf as in the past prior to CARM, or have you moved all payments to your Finance functions?   Looking for pros and cons of both. Answer 1: As an IOR into […]

  • CBSA Country of Origin

    Question: Joined a company and discovered entries into Canada are using the shipment place of origin in the US versus the U.S. State where goods were produced. Example: Good produced in GA and shipped from warehouse in WI are declared as UWI and not UGA. Just started analysis of good impacted, volume, time frame, etc. […]

  • Foreign Exchange Fee

    Question: Our company adds a foreign exchange fee to our commercial invoices from the US to Canada. The fee is an actual charge we add to invoices since our product is sold in USD and converted to CAD. Our broker sometimes declares the fee as dutiable and other times, disregards it. My assumption was duty/GST […]

  • Canada HST

    Question: A U.S. company is purchasing product from a Canadian vendor. However, the goods never ship to the US, they are shipped to customers in Canada.  The US company is billed HST from the Canadian vendor. (Harmonized Sales Tax) Is it possible to re-claim the HST if the goods never leave Canada? Should we have […]

  • Canada – UPS Costs Center Code

    Question: Does anyone know where we would find out the cost center code for UPS Canada?  Apparently, it is required in order to process invoices for import shipment by customs. Answer 1: This is an internal issue specific t your company. You need to contact someone from your finance dept, typically A/P (Accounts Payable), for […]

  • Canadian Export Controls

    Question: Does anyone know if Canada has export controls on Canadian origin fingerprinting ink, dyes and powder? Answer 1: I do not think fingerprinting materials are controlled. Below is a link to the export controls list from the Canadian government. I have not seen anything on the list that may include the mentioned items. I know […]