Questions and answers about AES

  • AES Q&A 9

    We would like to start filing the export declarations via AES on exports we are making but have run into an issue. We have found several large customers who are having their freight forwarder file the declaration in the name of their US sister companies (we are not selling the products to the US companies […]

  • AES Q&A 10

    Since we “sell” to our Mexican Subsidiary, we sell them them using INCOTERM DAF Laredo, TX. We sell them the product and pay all US domestic freight to Laredo on our side of the border, and their broker/forwarder picks up in the US and makes all arrangements to cross the border and clear Customs in […]

  • AES Q&A 11

    If a customer orders 25 of one item. All shipped on one day via 25 separate courier waybills. Each individual shipment is under $2500. These are all on one purchase order. The total value of the 25 items is well over $2500. Should the total value be entered into AES, or because they are separate […]

  • AES Q&A 12

    Can anyone share their concerns about having the Freight Forwarder file AES Direct? Currently our company handles the AES filing then has them ship the merchandise? I’m not sure if letting them file AES could cause errors and ultimately impact us if wrongful information is filed?

  • AES Q&A 13

    Can anyone share their concerns about having the Freight Forwarder file AES Direct? Currently our company handles the AES filing then has them ship the merchandise? I’m not sure if letting them file AES could cause errors and ultimately impact us if wrongful information is filed?

  • AES Q&A 14

    Can anyone share their concerns about having the Freight Forwarder file AES Direct? Currently our company handles the AES filing then has them ship the merchandise? I’m not sure if letting them file AES could cause errors and ultimately impact us if wrongful information is filed?