
Questions and answers about Entry

  • 7501 CHARGES

    QUESTION: Our broker is trying to add charges onto our 7501, but if it doesn’t fit the definition of an assist, does it belong on the 7501? The fee covers cartage, banking charges, warehouse and customs clearance

  • Unified Entry Filing by Self-Filer

    Question:We are a small importer and we self – file our own entries and ISF’s. We would like to start Unified entry filing. Does anyone in the membership know how it works? And how the actual entry will be certified? Is there a flexibility to change the information on the freight location and the arrival […]

  • 3461 ALT

    Question: How is a 3461 ALT used, (e.g. only for land crossings?)?Under what circumstances is a 3461 ALT used (e.g. mostly for produceshipments or another specific commodity?)?What data elements are required on the 3461 ALT? If you have an example of the 3461 ALT that you can share, it would beappreciated.


    Question:We have just been informed by Customs that they consider it an error that we do not amend entries when goods are returned to the supplier. The exact circumstances are that goods which are duty free were imported for subsequent sale to distributors, but about 2-3 months after importation, we decided to return the goods […]


    Question: Re-liquidation (suspension or extension) can be requested by CBP within the90 days from original liquidation. After that period, can CBP demand re-liquidation? I’m not clear if they can do that…


    Question: We import product subject to ADD via a courier company almost daily. On quite a few occassions some of those shipments slipped  through the cracks and cleared duty-free on that ECO’s consolidation. After discovering that we usually request a formal dumping entry to be filed. They courier would sometimes reference the original consol entry […]


    Question:I need the advice of the membership on this one.  My company had a short lapse last year from the time the previous import compliance manager left and when I was hired.  And did I mention we self file? During this time an entry was created, provided with an entry number, and then port of […]


    Question: Can a self-filing IOR outsource staffing by using a customs brokers staff(not as implants at the clients facility)?  Example scenario:  The employees are employed by the broker, at the broker’sfacility and would handle the entry processing/transmission on behalf of theIOR.  The IOR receives the benefit of an experienced knowledgeable brokeragestaff, utilizing them for their […]


    Question: I have a fun one for the membership, so buckle up and here goes:I have more than 2 dozen branches in the US and a handful in the rest of theworld. We have 5106’s on file for every US branch. Imports account for about 8% ofour business. That margin is growing.  Our sales force […]


    Question: I’m in the middle of making some changes to our supply chain, I’ve run into a bit of a hiccup.  Both parties (freight forwarder and broker) are wanting to charge a messenger/document turn-over fee…  I don’t argue that the fee is a standard accessorial fee, but this is the first time I have had […]

  • BLOCK 36 ON 7501

    Question:Block 36 of the CBP 7501 requires an owner’s declaration as to whether the goods are purchased or not purchased. We receive shipments where both types of goods are included in the same shipment. The broker’s ABI systems do not allow for multiple options to be selected in this block. How do other members handle […]


    Question:I hope someone in the membership can provide me with some advice, please. Our company acquires other companies quite often and after the acquisition I am then given the job to perform 5 year reviews, 100% audits. At this time I was able to obtain all the documents except for about 30 files the brokers […]