Questions and answers about CBP


    Question: I was wondering if the members think that Customs audits have increased in frequency and intensity over the past few years? How would you describe the current environment as it pertains to audits in this economy? Are there any statistics on the number of companies under audit at any specific time? Are there any […]


    Question:   Does anyone have a step by step guide on what to do when filing a cost submission to customs?   We will be filing our first one this year and we are not sure what to do once we have the info from our brokers and our IMMEX.   We know we have […]

  • CBP Q&A 1

    I would like to ask those members who have a CBP National Account Manager how they would characterize their relationship with their account manager? Beyond keeping an eye on your company’s compliance activity, what types of support and services does the account manager provide? Do they provide you any import reports, assist with identifying flagged […]

  • CBP Q&A 2

    Has anyone been experiencing their goods being held in Customs in the Dom. Rep., and no complete explanation has been given as to why? According to our Freight Forwarder and Customs Broker in the Dominican Rep., all cosmetic products are now being held and new documentation may be needed from us in order to secure […]

  • CBP Q&A 3

    Does anyone know CBP’s threshold for importers to be assigned an Account Manager?

  • CBP Q&A 4

    Does anyone know CBP’s threshold for importers to be assigned an Account Manager?

  • CBP Q&A 5

    BIS and CBP recently expressed totally opposite perspectives about balancing trade security with trade facilitation. What do ICPA members make of this? May 9 CBP COAC meeting: CBP Commissioner Ralph Basham says that after nearly seven years of emphasizing supply chain security “we know we’re going to have to focus more of our energies at […]

  • CBP Q&A 6

    If our trademarks and names are registered with Customs, what happens if a shipment crosses the border using a trade name in the registration? How does Customs monitor these shipments (by description on hard copy paperwork or electronic data)? What measures will Customs take to stop or seize those shipments? If we are aware of […]