Free Webcast: U.S. Foreign-Trade Zone Program – Overview of Benefits & Implementation

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In the current state of supply chain slowdowns, disruptions and rising costs, companies need to implement proven and cost-effective savings programs that provide a direct positive impact to their bottom-line. The U.S. Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) program has been around since 1934 and is now going through another surge in growth of companies becoming an FTZ. For the right company, cost reductions provided by becoming an FTZ can total hundreds of thousands of dollars or more.

In this 60-minute interactive webcast, DHL Global Forwarding Director of FTZ Business Development, Bill Fisher, will explain the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zone program, the benefits provided, and how to have your business designated as an FTZ.

Date: Thursday, December 1, 2022

Time: 2:00 PM EST

Topics Include:

·        Overview and history of the FTZ Program

·        Outline program benefits – Duty / Non-Duty related

·        Examples of actual savings realized by program participants

·        Comparison of Customs Bonded Warehouse vs. Drawback vs. FTZ

·        Key points to be aware of

·        Timeline for Implementation


·        Bill Fisher, Director, Foreign Trade Zone Business Development, DHL Global Forwarding

·        Andrea Mostafa, Director Customs Business Development, DHL Global Forwarding


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