
Questions and answers about Embargo

  • Embargo Q&A 2

    Is there somewhere to see a comprehensive list of United Nations arms embargos? I can’t find anything on the UN site.

  • Embargo Q&A 3

    am struggling to read the government documents issued that apply to sanctions and embargoes. Very few have a clear statement stating whether a US entity is allowed to conduct business. Today I received the OFAC notice on Burma. Does it say that US entity or subsidiary cannot ship to Burma? I rely on the document […]

  • Embargo Q&A 4

    Has your company found a way to effectively block email traffic to any embargoed countries? If so, how?

  • Embargo Q&A 5

    There is a statement in General Order that no company from the US can ship any product to Syria. Our company has 5 different customers in Syria who are supported from a business center in Europe – the US company does not ship direct to Syria. Am I correct that NO ENTITY of the US […]