Questions and answers about ACE

  • ACE – set up as FTZ

    QUESTION: The company for which I work is set up as an importer in ACE, but I see nothing in there showing us as an FTZ.  Can anyone advise how I can set this up?  We need our expanded 9 character zone ID for our 214’s, and the only way I see to obtain this […]

  • New ACE Capabilities

    QUESTION: Is there any use as of yet for the New ACE Portal? It does not look like I can run any reports, view ACH statements, respond to CF 28’s/29’s or manage users (I’m TAO). The only thing I can see are my company’s account types and their ID numbers. ========== Answers: You have to […]

  • ACE Account User Email Updates

    QUESTION: Does anyone know how to update existing ACE account users emails? %%%%%%%%%% It has to be done through ACE Support ================================================================ You’re asking how to update your own email address….once logged in?  It’s in your address book profile settings, bottom left.  One must self-update his email – the TAO cannot do that. ==========

  • ACE Reports in the New Portal

    Question: How do I access my reports in the new ACE portal? Do the reports I have saved need to be migrated to the new portal? My reports have been coming back blank when I try to run them in the legacy version, has this happened to anyone else? %%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: Yes…you can access through […]

  • ACE – AES filing test

    Question:  Do new AES filers no longer need to pass a test to be able to file in AES Direct within ACE? %%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: No test needed, simply a positive affirmation of a statement which appears. However, AES training should be conducted with users/filers. %%%%%%%%%% correct


    QUESTION: Is there a data field in ACE that identifies the amount of freight deducted from an entry for the declared value?  We’ve pulled in every field we thought would identify “charges”.  All fields are blank when we know we’ve deducted freight on entries.   Our goal is to identify the volume of entries where we’ve […]


    QUESTION: I joined a large company that has over 100 legal entities where we recently created a corporate compliance function to provide oversight.  Up to this point, import and export compliance was managed by the individual legal entity within a logistics, supply chain, or operations function. Now that we’ve created a corporate function and we […]


    QUESTION: Which ACE report will show Customs holds and the length of the hold? *********** Answers: None of them. That’s something your broker should provide.

  • ACE data from multiple parties

    QUESTION: Does ACE allow attorney’s access to the data of multiple clients via the EDI or other approved processes beyond their user ID?  My attorney wants access to my ACE data which is fine, but she needs to use her user ID and run the reports manually now that I have given her user id […]


    QUESTION: Does anyone know of an ACE report where we would confirm entries paid on PMS? We use ES-003 to identify what will be paid and run it closely to the closing the PMS ending cycle however, the numbers are not matching every month. This could be because of ES or changes to an ES […]

  • ACE Report

    QUESTION: Does anyone know of an Entry Summary report in ACE that provides all of the following data? (there are some reports with some of this data, but none with all of it….) ·        MID or Exporter Name ·        Entry Number ·        HTS code ·        Entry value ·        HMF Paid ·        MPF Paid ·        Duty […]

  • Automated ACE Reports

    QUESTION: If it is possible to automatically send a recurring daily report to an email address of a registered ACE user can the membership please tell me how to do this? ========== Answer: Report Scheduling: From the Documents browser in ACE, right click on your report and select ‘Schedule’, as seen below: Click on ‘Recurrence’ […]